Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Happy Day! I decided to dig out the jeans I've been wanting to wear and put them on. Guess what? THEY FIT! A little tight but these suckers have been in my closet for three years cuz I couldn't button them. Today I buttoned, zipped, and wore them in to work. YAY YAY YAY


Charlene said...

Good for you. Keep up the good work. I'm trying, didn't have seconds , no dressing on salad, 2oz. meat, cup of string beans,1/2 cup mashed potato. No snacks for me anymore either. I just have to keep busy.

Jaimie, Dale and Jackson said...

Good job! See, it does pay off! If only I could stick to it longer than a week.....

Ulbins said...

YEAH FOR YOU!!! I wouldn't know the feeling, but I'm sure it feels GREAT! I was just about to post about trying to lose weight. You are an inspiration!